
Nutrition for longevity

Here at the Aging is an Option Institute, our mission is to give Humanity the opportunity to live healthy to 120.

Power Diet

Here, at the Aging is an Option Institute, our mission is to give Humanity the opportunity to live healthy to 120.

Nutrition for longevity has been founded on the passionate belief that a long, healthy, and vibrant life begins with what you put in your body.  You are what you eat.

Diet can powerfully affect health and longevity and more people are seeing exciting results from simple dietary changes.  It is never too late to make positive changes.

Teenagers can eliminate dairy from their diet and see a clear skin, (no more Acne!).

Millennials can make dietary changes to affect their fertility.  

Older adults can make dietary changes today that will improve their health tomorrow, prevent cancer, Alzheimer’s, and other degenerative diseases. Those dietary changes can actually help them live longer in better health.

Medical researchers have identified persistent inflammation as one of the worst offenders in aging, as its factors predict the risk of virtually all chronic diseases. And since chronic diseases cause the majority of early deaths, eating a diet that minimizes inflammation and the risk of chronic disease is key to increasing longevity and quality of life.

Aging is an Option Institute has been a champion of healthy nutrition for a healthy body and mind.

We provide FM tests for food sensitivity, Gut Health, nutrient deficiency and more.  We help patients define what is an optimal diet for them.  Please connect if you wish to find out what is the best diet for your health and longevity.


Chinese Medicine


Emotional Wellness