Functional Medicine

Testing makes all the difference

Functional Medicine examines the root causes of disease, using a systems-oriented approach and engaging both patient and doctor in a therapeutic partnership. It is an evolution in the practice of medicine that addresses the healthcare needs of the 21st century in a much more profound fashion.  By shifting the traditional disease-oriented focus of medicine to a more patient-centered approach, Functional Medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of signs and symptoms.


Similarly, to Chinese Medicine, Functional Medicine doctors spent time with their patients, listening to their histories, assessing patients in a biopsychosocial approach, looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and chronic disease.  Functional Medicine supports the unique expression of health and vitality for each individual patient.

In Functional Medicine, we focus on prevention through nutrition, diet, exercise, and emotional health.

We employ the latest laboratory testing from DNA microbiome, to neurotransmitter and heavy metal testing and other diagnostic techniques.  We prescribe combinations of herbal and botanical medicines, supplements, therapeutic diets, detoxification programs, and/or stress management techniques.


Some of the FM tests we use are listed and explained below:

  • Leaky Gut

  • GI-Map

  • Brain Span Test

  • Micronutrient Test (MNT)

  • Saliva Hormone Test

  • Heavy Metal Test

  • Breast Ultrasound Procedure (Alternative to Mammogram)

  • Bone Resorption Test (Alternative To DEXA)

  • Food sensitivity Test

  • Anti-Aging Test

  • Alzheimer’s Detection Test

  • Galleri Multi-Cancer-Early-Detection Test

There are many more tests available at the Aging is an Option Institute.  If you do not see what you are looking for, please consider calling us to further discuss your health care needs.


Leaky Gut

Intestinal Permeability blood test to determine if your intestines are no longer doing an adequate job of keeping antigens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and potentially allergenic or inflammatory proteins from food out of your bloodstream. The tight junctions between your intestines’ walls become damaged and these holes allow the toxins to pass from your intestines into the rest of your body where they can wreak havoc.


Micronutrient Test (MNT)

It is a blood test from Spectra cell Lab; Measures 31 specific micronutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, and metabolites, and how they affect cellular function in you; If you are deficient in a particular nutrient, the MNT will uncover this deficiency so that it can be effectively treated, thus facilitating real prevention.  Not only will correcting intracellular deficiencies slow the aging process and degenerative disease progression, but it can also prevent as well as repair cellular dysfunction, and by extension disease.


Breast Ultrasound Procedure

(Alternative to Mammogram) Breast Ultrasound is an imaging test that uses sound waves to look at the inside of your breasts.  It is excellent at distinguishing a benign fluid-filled cyst from a solid mass in the breast.  Ultrasound can see blood flow and determine if the edges are irregular. 



Your biological age is your biggest risk factor for the diseases of aging. From telomere to inflammation testing, you can find out your real age. Learn what your life style and biohacking choices are having on your epigenetic clock.


Galleri Multi-Cancer-Early-Detection Test

Galleri Multi-Cancer-Early-Detection test can detect more than 50 types of cancer by looking for signals in the blood that maybe be associated with cancer. If a cancer signal is found, the results point to where in the body the cancer is coming from to help us guide your next steps.


DNA Comprehensive stool test. Unlike other comprehensive stool tests on the market, the GI-MAP can provide practitioners with truly quantitative results. qPCR offers a much more accurate way to detect and quantify clinically-relevant organisms than standard PCR, culture, microscopy, or DNA sequencing-based methods. Accurately assessing how much of an organism's DNA is present in a patient's stool sample is essential for helping practitioners to determine the clinical significance of pathogenic organisms and dysbiosis patterns.


Saliva Hormone

A Comprehensive Saliva Test by Labrix used for men and women who experience symptoms of andropause, menopause, weight gain around the waist, bone loss, infertility, sensitivity to chemicals, blood sugar dysregulation and more; Unlike blood-based tests, saliva diagnostics can measure the amount of free, unbound hormone that is available to act on a target tissue.  About 95-99 % of steroid hormones circulating in the bloodstream are bound to carrier proteins.  Saliva contains unbound, bioavailable hormones.  Therefore, salivary concentrations better represent circulating levels of free hormones, which are likely to affect the body and be responsible for symptoms related to excessive or deficient hormone levels. Comprehensive Panel measures   Estrone, Estradiol, Estriol, Progesterone, Estrogen to Progesterone ratio, Testosterone, DHEA; Also, 4 Cortisol Levels. The test is non-invasive and done at home.


Bone Resorption Test

(Alternative To DEXA) A urine test, which provides an accurate assessment of the rate of bone turnover in an individual. This simple, non-invasive test allows to identify those more likely to develop osteoporosis, to intervene before significant loss has occurred, and to monitor efficacy of treatment regimens.


Alzheimer’s-Associated Immune Reactivity

It is a ground-breaking blood test from Cyrex labs, helping to identify patients at greater risk for developing Alzheimer’s Disease or other neurological disorders; By detecting and measuring immune reactivity to brain proteins, growth factors, enteric nerve, enzymes, and neurological peptides, pathogens, chemicals, and foods that cross react with Amyloid-Beta, we can find even preclinical stages of the AD. 1 in 10 people age 65 and older has AD.  Almost two-thirds of Americans with AD are women; According to the Alzheimer’s association, 5.8 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s.  By 2050, this number is projected to rise to nearly 14 million.  Today, 1 in 3 seniors die with Alzheimer’s or another dementia.

Brain Span Test

It is a simple yet profound test comprising of a fingerstick blood test measuring 29 fatty acids including Omega-3 Index, the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 and Palmitic acid and a 15-minute web-based cognitive test, which evaluates your performance in areas of memory, processing speed, attention, and cognitive flexibility.  The test is one of the most well-validated cognitive function tests in the world with over 450 studies to date.  Athletes, students with learning challenges, people with memory issues, and anyone who is curious about their brain and the body inflammation levels should do this test.


Heavy Metal Test

It utilizes samples of hair, blood, and urine to assess for the body’s mercury burden and its ability to eliminate it.  It comes from a Quick Silver Scientific Lab and is the only clinical test that utilizes mercury speciation analysis, a patented advanced technology that separates methyl mercury (MeHg) from inorganic mercury (HgII) and measures each directly. Quick Silver Scientific’s instruments are sensitive enough to measure ambient mercury levels in the body without the need for challenge testing. The test provides unprecedented information allowing for assessment of your exposure sources, body burden, and ability to excrete each form of mercury. This detailed information helps build an informed picture and allows for a rational approach to a successful detoxification strategy for you and every patient.


Food sensitivity test

It is a simple blood test to determine if a patient has any food sensitivities; Cyrex Labs   180 food and condiments array is highly accurate, consistent, and based on the latest research and development.  In addition, Cyrex Lab tests for multiple forms of food (raw, cooked, processed, and combined foods), unlike outdated tests that test only one form of the food. This is very significant because food proteins change when cooked or processed.  A person might react to a food only when it is cooked, but not raw, or vice versa.  Or they may react to a food only when it is in combination with other foods. The Cyrex food sensitivity test helps identify foods that challenge your immune system so you can reduce the load on your immune system by minimizing exposure to those foods.


Longevity- Anti Aging


Chinese Medicine